A new trailer has been released for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Season One. This season is introducing Vikhor 'Stitch' Kuzmin. Season One is set to release on December 16, 2020. Experience Call of Duty: the world's best-selling video game franchise. Discover the latest updates to this first person shooter series all in one place.
A new update is now live for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 and the team over at Treyarch outlined a few of the key fixes the latest patch targeted. Restore files with time machine. In addition to the usual tweaks and improvements, they also made a few changes to the player count in their Battle Royale mode Blackout, as well as a few necessary fixes targeting PC crash reports.
'We're switching things up a bit today,' began the team's latest post over on Reddit. 'While we test out different maximum player counts in Quads, we're boosting Duos from 88 to 100 per match on all platforms. Let us know how hunting down an extra dozen targets out there feels in Duos.'
They added, 'There's also great news for PC players, with today's update from Beenox addressing several crashes, stability improvements, and gameplay tweaks.'
To see everything that is new, check out the full patch notes below:
Though many areas of the game were targeted, below are the 'general' fixes that the team started with in their latest update:
- General stability improvements and crash fixes.
- The Featured playlist tiles for Multiplayer and Blackout have changed today. This is part of the regular rotation of Featured playlists – more details to come on how Featured playlists will work in Black Ops 4 in a separate update.
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare
Blackout, Multiplayer and Zombies
- Blackout
- 100-Player Duos
- 100-Players Duos is now the Featured playlist for Blackout.
- 88-Player Quads
- Quads playlist is now 88 maximum players. We're continuing to update various game settings to ensure the best experience for all players across all platforms and modes.
- 100-Player Duos
- Multiplayer
- Playlist Updates
- TDM playlist now supports parties of 6 (was previously 5).
- Featured playlist changed to Heist.
- Custom Games
- Custom Search and Destroy games will now correctly conclude after one team wins 6 rounds total, fixing an issue where custom games previously ended at round 7.
- Miscellaneous
- Addressed a crash caused by earning multiple Medals in a match.
- Playlist Updates
- Zombies
- Addressed a UI error caused by losing Internet connection in split screen.
- Stability Improvements
- Fixed a crash occurring during initial boot of the game for some users.
- Fixed a crash when disconnecting from a Blackout match.
- Fixed a crash occurring when multiple windows were broken simultaneously in a Blackout match.
- Fixed a crash when browsing unlockable Items.
- Fixed crashes occurring when changing texture quality.
- Improved handling of 'Out of Memory' errors.
- Zombies
- Addressed an issue that caused Hellhounds to exhibit some very.. un-doglike behavior in Zombies.
- Miscellaneous
- 'Object View Distance' setting now properly renders objects further on 'High' than on 'Low' in Blackout.
Currently Tracking
0commentsBelow are the current issues that the team is tracking for future updates: Cgi video maker.
Newest Call Of Duty Ps2
- Zombies Easter Egg Quests
- We're aware of some instability issues currently affecting the Easter Egg quests, and will address these in a major update coming soon. Thanks for your patience.
- Multiplayer Audio
- We've seen some reports of audio volumes in Multiplayer not sounding quite as expected, particularly with footsteps. We've passed these onto the appropriate teams for evaluation. In the meantime, please be sure to try out the different custom presets in our Audio settings under Options on consoles to find a mix that works best for you.
- PC Hellion Salvo Crash
- PC players will currently crash when equipping a weapon camo and Fast Lock attachment on the Hellion Salvo launcher. We're fixing this in an upcoming update – in the meantime, please avoid using this camo/Attachment combination on the Hellion Salvo to prevent crashing.
- Teammate Names Disappearing
- Some players are reportedly seeing their teammates' player names disappearing temporarily during MP matches, making it difficult to tell friend from foe. We're investigating this as well.
- Xbox One Deluxe Edition Items
- We're aware some users are still having trouble accessing their Shadowman and Classified content consistently on Xbox One, even after manually downloading the items. We're continuing to investigate to see what can be done on our end to solve this.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is now available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC!